Friday, February 25, 2011

Camera in Space Post 1

To start things off, I would like to point out the the apparent "Team Bouey's" real name is "Team Tennis-Ball," for obvious reasons. Not only is the bouy project dead, but tennis balls are much more relevant to our container. To recap for missed time, specific people (Sam) probably know that we are sending a camera into space. Team tennis Ball is in charge of creating a container that is two things. And those two things are: to make one better than other container teams (Fluffy), and be able to withstand the harsh effects that the upper atmosphere has on the container. Wait, three things. The camera has to survive. Our main body is made of plastic from a lysol container. I will finish this blog when i get home because it is now time to leave school.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Balloon car measurements.

Mass: 12 grams.
Distance: 151 cm
Time: 5 seconds
Acceleration: 6.04 centimeters per seconds squared.
Force: 755 N
V= Delta D/ Delta T
Velocity: 30.2 cm per seconds.