Sunday, December 12, 2010

Test 1 Objective 1 Answers

1. Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons.
2. Lavoisier believed and stated that the matter could not be created or destroyed, only change form.
3.J.J. Thomson.
4.Protons and Neutrons
5. Electrons
6. He thought that everything was composed of atoms, and atoms could not be divided. He also thought that everything had its own atoms (wood had wood atoms, air had air atoms, etc.)
7. Stated that there were electrons with a negative charge surrounded by a sea of positive charge. Created by J. J. Thomson.
8.The Bohr model consists of a nucleus that has protons and neutrons, and around it electrons that orbit in a circular pattern around the nucleus.
9. John Dalton's atomic model was just a block mass that couldn't be divided.
10. Schrödinger's Cat is a thought experiment that says if a cat was in a box with a flask of poison, a hammer that would break the flask, but only if a radioactive substance decided to release a particle. Since we don't know when or if the particle is released, we must assume the cat as dead and alive at the same time. The only way we know is if we open the box and look.
11. This experiment says since we don't know where electrons are exactly, we must assume them as in every possible spot at the same time.

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